Tuvalu Survival Fund (TSF)

                                                                                       Tuvalu Climate Change and Disaster Survival Fund is commonly refers to (TSF) was
                                                                                       established in December 2015 and came in to effect on the o2nd January, 2016.
                                                                                       The objective of the TSF is to:

                                                                                            - Provide immediate vital services to the people of Tuvalu in combating the devastating

                                                                                               impact of climate change and natural disasters; and
                                                                                            - Allow the Government and the people of Tuvalu to respond to future climate change
                                                                                               impacts and natural disasters in a coordinated, effectively and timely manner.

                                                                                        The eligible uses of TSF include financial assistance for emergency relief, disaster recovery
                                                                                        and rehabilitation and climate change adaptation.
                                                                                        The TSF Act establishes a Board as a governing body of the Fund with the responsibility for
                                                                                        the policy control, strategic direction and regulation of the Fund.
                                                                                        The Board is compromise of three members: The Minister for Finance (Chairperson), the
                                                                                        Secretary General of the Tuvalu Rec Cross and the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of
                                                                                        Local Government and Agriculture.
                                                                                        The TSF also establishes a Committee, chaired by the Secretary to Government, which is
                                                                                        tasked to assess applications received by the TSF. The Committee provides it’s recommended
                                                                                        to the TSF Board for approval.
                                                                                        Function and Powers of the Board are set out in Section 8 & 9 of the Tuvalu Climate and
                                                                                        Disaster Survival Fund.
                                                                                             - The Board shall meet at least once a year at the beginning of the financial year, and
                                                                                                without delay whenever necessary and when assessment reports have been referred to
                                                                                                it by the Committee.
                                                                                             - In the absence of the statutory member from a meeting of the Board the function shall
                                                                                                be fulfilled by the person officially designated to act in the office of the member.
                                                                                             - Meeting of the Board are convened by the Minister responsible for finance.
                                                                                             - The quorum for a meeting of the Board is 3 members.
                                                                                             - All decision of the Board must be unanimous.
                                                                                             - The Trustees shall serve without remuneration or other reward.
                                                                                             - The Board shall subject to the Act and these Regulations establish its own rules of
                                                                                                procedures Secretariat of the Board.
                                                                                             - Climate Change Department act as the Fund Secretary to the Board.


Pepetua E Latasi

Email: [email protected]

Phone (Office): +688 20517


Fafetai Namoto

Email: [email protected]

Phone (Office): +688 20517